February Hair Highlights

February was another great month for my clients hair. He are a few of my favorites! I have been switching a lot of my clients formula’s over to a newer brand at Tomahawk called Pulp Riot. These are just a few of the amazing super pigmented colors that they have to offer.

Pink and Purple double process hair pulp riot
pink double process hair pulp riot
red double process hair pulp riot

If you always wanted to give a fun color a try, come on in to the salon and lets come up with a custom color for you! There are so many shades to combine, we can work together and come up with the perfect personalized blend!

natural balayage low maintenance hair

I know I am always showing off all the bright colors that I do, but in case you aren’t as daring, or your work won’t allow crazy colors, I also love doing pretty natural balayages. My client Amy funny enough came to me about 9 years ago to color her hair as bright pink as her shirt. She’s since changed professions and has been traveling a lot so she needed something a little more natural with a lot less maintenance. I made her a beautiful dark blonde with a balayage building the roots into the so that she only has to come see me when she has time, not when her hair tells her its time.

If any of this inspires you call or text and make an appointment at Tomahawk with me! 646-399-6873